February 04, 2009

Links to media mentions of savemyspot.




  1. Etiquette- is a code that influences expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. Rules of etiquette are usually unwritten, but aspects of etiquette have been codified from time to time. A rule of etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code.

    Thats right people, I don't have to give up my seat for a pregnant lady, but I do. I don't have to open the door for a lady but I do. When you come into southie, think of the pregnant lady or older grandmother who's spot you are complaining about. We have been doing this for years and have survived, and will be doing it when you leave.....

  2. The commont above this one is copied and pasted all over this site. What a loser.

  3. ...an absurd entitlement of freedom of speech.

  4. The parking is crazy. I understand both sides. But if you where born and raised in Southie this is how it is, this is the way it always has been. If you are not it is crazy people saving spots it is a public street and no one owes the street. I see the "newbies" putting things out all the time. I see the "lifers" doing it to. Lately it has been the "newbies" more so. Either way 48 hours is fine but the City really needs to follow-up. Parking Stickers are a joke. I always have cars on my block with no Permits. They can't even keep that up. If I parked in the North End I would have a ticket before I clicked my alarm. Now this crazy "Anonymous". You are just looking to ruffle feathers. I see you posted all over this site. You are making it hard for everyone to find common ground. Most likely you are a 20 something who thinks he knows everything. You haven't a clue. A neighbor of my is a Vet who fought in 2 wars. The more I get to know my neighbors the more I find out what kind of neighborhood this was and is. Maybe if we made and effort to get to know each other somewhat the B&Es would not be happening. I think "Anonymous" needs to own up to his comments. Use your name and not be "Anonymous". You are just trying to get a response to your mean comments. You know the parking thing is a touchie subject. So you sit there Anonymously with your opinions. Childish as they maybe. Do you think going after someone personally will help your side of the arguement. It just makes you look like a spoiled brat who is not getting his way and is stomping his feet. Own it.

  5. "..an absurd entitlement of freedom of speech."
    Are you talking about your blog or my opinion on parking etiquette in South Boston?

  6. re: West 4th St.


    However i was commenting on the anonym who pointed out your spamming the etiquette story. Who cares, say whatever you want! Regards.

  7. THIS IS FUN !!!

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

    I think you should keep posting the same thing on every page like you've been doing.

  8. re: Anonymous

    I guess if that's how you feel we can't, or won't stop you. Live free or die!


Please feel free to tell us what you think. Happy shoveling!