February 10, 2009

"Anticipatory Coners"

This one was put out before it even snowed.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA...that was hilarious. Thanks for a good laugh, I'll be remembering that throughout the day.

  2. "Jesus Christ, this city is populated by goddamned frigging retards."
    Then leave.

  3. This city is populated by cowards. If your neighbor is an a-hole, don't remove his cone or confront him. Comment about him in a blog.

  4. Oh boy...

    Let the insanity begin...

  5. hey Parker, what's gonna happen to this blog after this last storm melts??? Nothing against you and this site, but I hope I don't see anymore posts until November. btw, I've got a busted up AC unit in the basement and have been waiting for the perfect time to use it as MY saver. I guess I'm a friggin' 'tahd!!

  6. I'll probably go back to sitting in my mom's basement wearing my tinfoil hat. What about you? Maybe next winter we can run a "the most original spot saver," offer a $25 prize. What do you think? Btw your AC is perfect. You can put it out when the mayor threatens to remove all markers, hence, free hauling! Yes! Southie 1, Menino 0. peace


Please feel free to tell us what you think. Happy shoveling!